Monday, November 24, 2008

Remember--Thanksgiving Day November 27th, 2008

First Thanksgiving Day Proclamation- Continental Congress-December 18, 1777

"That at one time and with one voice,
the good people may express
the grateful feelings of their hearts,
and consecrate themselves
To the service of their divine benefactor;
And that, together with their sincere acknowledgements and offerings,
they may join the penitent confession of their manifold sins,
whereby they had forfeited every favor;
And their humble and earnest supplications
that it may please God through the merits of Jesus Christ
mercifully to forgive and blot them out of remembrance;
That it may please Him graciously to afford His blessing on the governments of these states respectively, and prosper the public council of the whole."

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Barberville Fall Jamboree

Hey y'all!

Well, we did it again... we went to the Barberville Music Festival! Only this time, of course, it was the Fall Jamboree, not Spring Frolic :D

We had such a good time. Anna played two shows with her Fiddle guild, there was lots of shopping, and we got to spend time with several sweet families.

I'll be posting some pics, as you have probably guessed :)
All the "Fiddling Krickets" and their families met at the musicians entrance at 10:00 I believe.

Three little girls, Olivia and I all headed over to see Roger and Gailanne performing right before the Krickets had to play.

Jean Marie, the avid photographer. :)

A shot I "stole" from Jean Marie. I took it from a different angle, though :D Love ya, dahlin!

Anna and I, profound caption, right? :)

Jean and I, another pure genius title by Emily... *blank stare* :D

Anna and her violin.

My and Mattie's feet :)

Jean, Mrs. Hope, and Joseph eating sugar cane :)

Rebecca Foster dancing with Johnny.
Lauren barn dancing. Wasn't that fun? :)
Anna barn dancing as well :)

A candid picture, taken by Miss Mattie Amundsen. Amundsen family, I do believe you all have a budding photographer on your hands :)

The Artist herself, Mattie :)
Anna and Rebecca preparing for their second performance.
Miss Kricket, if you're reading this, you did a wonderful job organizing your group!

All the Fiddling Krickets minus Seamus who had to go to a soccer tryout.
Mrs. Chalmers and Cameron Foster were the wonderful guitarists. Good job, y'all!

Anna playing Rakes of Kildare, I believe.

The Amundsen's playing with the Katie and Joe Waller (Jackson Creek).
Mrs. Scarlet, I didn't know you play the bass! You learn something new everyday, I guess. :)

Roger tuning up.
Gailanne tuning as well.
Well, we had such a good time that occasionally, we forgot to take pictures so, that's all we have :)
Again, like I said on the Spring Frolic post... Can't wait till next time!
God bless!

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